15 September 2005

The Shakin' Stevens This Generation Deserves Ist Nicht Tot!

The Shakin' Stevens This Generation Deserves Ist Nicht Tot! That's true.

Here is the line-up for this Friday's gig at the Swamp Bar:

The Folk 9.15 pm
The Sundowns 10.10 pm
The Zephyrs 11.05 pm

We started recording the album last weekend. The guide tracks are down for 8 songs and next weekend we'll be doing drums and maybe getting photographs taken in Grannie's Gowns. Just a three-piece again on Friday but with no gigs planned in the near future, and with recording being the priority, we'll have a chance to bring more people into The Folk. It'll still be a total racket though!. Manifesto: play the Goodies Theme after every set, like lots of stuff.

If you can make it, go and see Saint Jude's Infirmary supporting the elegantly rock n' roll Holy Gollightly on Saturday night at Cabaret Voltaire. I'll be at a wedding that night but I'll still be dancing to as much Headcoats/Headcoatees that the bride and groom let me away with.

1 comment:

Teuchter said...

I know the Church of Acker Bilk